$40 Moisturizers & Serums; 40% Off Sets

Exclusively online. Select full-size products on sale for $40 and 40% off select gift sets. No offer coded needed. Offer ends October 10, 2024. Exclusions may apply. Prices are as marked. Valid only on products purchased on www.exuviance.com. Offer good while supplies last. Offer subject to change without notice. No adjustments on previous purchases and offer may not be redeemed for cash. Cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. Sales tax and shipping charges apply. Void where prohibited or otherwise restricted. All promotions apply to merchandise only after applicable discounts are applied, excluding applicable taxes and shipping charges.


Receive free standard shipping on all orders $50+ www.exuviance.com. Offer subject to change without notice. No adjustments on previous purchases. Void where prohibited or otherwise restricted. Free shipping valid on orders with standard shipping addresses within the U.S. only. All promotions apply to merchandise only after applicable discounts are applied, excluding applicable taxes and shipping charges.